
The company Transport Ciężarowy Waldemar Głuszko is not only a transport company, it is also a logistics company. Both of these areas complement each other, creating the TSL industry, in which we have been operating for many years, constantly strengthening our market position. We provide professional services in the field of domestic and international transport. We deal with oversized transport, low-loader transport, transport of loose materials, transport of containers, transport of pallets also to Germany, transport of products requiring cold stores, etc. We carry out our tasks with the highest quality and at the highest level.

We deliver the goods as soon as possible, safely and efficiently. Our offices are located in Wrocław and Berlin, and the logistics center in Miłoszyce. We have a professional warehouse and logistics base, at the heart of which is an experienced and competent team of employees. We deliver goods by trucks that meet European requirements and have the latest GPS systems. In addition, we have large storage areas that are tailored to the individual needs of customers and provide the right conditions for storing goods. We provide a full range of services related to loading, unloading and checking the quantity of stored goods.

What we offer

  • domestic and international transport,
  • unloading / loading goods,
  • magazynowanie towaru,
  • storage of goods,
  • palletizing goods,
  • transhipment of goods,
  • etykietowanie,
  • labeling,
  • picking,
  • completion,
  • storage of goods in refrigerated conditions,
  • care of customs agents.